Saturday, June 21, 2008

In-Touch 6/19/2008

In-Touch Newsletter of the Worthington

Seventh-day Adventist Church
June 19, 2008

       My Grace is Sufficient. II Cor. 12:9



Upcoming Events and Items of Interest:


Coming this week:

This Sabbath is our ARC Blood Drive. Please stop down and consider giving the gift of life!


Coming in the weeks ahead: 

WAA School uniforms for sale. Used but in good condition.

2 plaid skirts

1 long sleeve oxford

1 girls sweatshirt

1 cardigan sweater

1 long sleeve polo

8 short sleeve polos

Call Debbie Evans at 614-204-8150 if interested.



Thursday, June 19th: Walk at Innis Woods Park

Where: Meet @ Sheila's House 6:30pm


Sunday, June 29th: Cookout & Pool Party "Holli's Place"

Please RSVP 614/431-7268 or


A wedding shower for Elizabeth Gibbs 

WHEN:       Sunday , June 29th at  4:00 P.M.

WHERE:     The Buller Room of the Worthington Seventh-dayAdventist Church. 

WHY:          Beth will marry Ben Brewer, on August 9, 08 inMissoula, Montana. 

GIVEN BY:  Friends of the Bride & her family. Beth is registered at Macy's, and the registry can be viewed online Your presence at the celebration is most important. However, if you choose to give a gift: a gift certificate, or asking Macy's to send the gift to their store in Missoula would be helpful since the bride will be flying back to Montana.


Have you wondered if Ellen G. WhiteĆ¢€™s writings are a relic from the past? Are her counsels on living for a bygone era or are her prophesies written for our present generation, coming alive in our daily news. Come and find out in our newest Sabbath Schoolclass, The Relevancy of the Spirit of Prophesy for the 21st Century (SOP21). We will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall every Sabbath beginning on July 12th. This class is designed to speak to those familiar with EGW and those not familiar with her writings.



Healing Hands of Hope. Compassionate care at home. Adventist, non-medical, in-home care and assistance agency taking care of families throughout Franklin County. Assisting older adults, new moms, families with an ill parent (including assistance with children), and others facing a debilitating injury. For more information, see brochure in the literature rack or call 614-266-4990.


Health Food Cupboard. All times remain 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Last chance to stock up on HFC products before the doors of the store close for good. The remaining dates are June 27 & 29.


The Spotlight's on You!

I hope everyone's summer is off to a great start! Here's something cute that I thought would give you all a chuckle! (thank's Walter M.)

After a hardy summer rainstorm filled all the potholes in
the streets and alleys, a young mother watched her 
two little boys playing in a puddle through her 
kitchen window. The older of the two, a five year old lad, grabbed his
sibling by the back of his head and shoved his face
into the water hole. As the boy recovered and stood
laughing and dripping, the mother ran to the yard in a panic.

 Why on earth did you do that to your little brother?!
she asks as she shook the older boy in anger.
 We were just playing church  mommy,  he said.
And I was baptizing the name of the
Father, the Son and in...the hole-he-goes.


Project Sunshine Do you have a few extra minutes in your day? Here is a listing of some of our church members who need a little attention via calls, cards or visits. Remember, your name may be on this list one day!

MaryAnn Buckles. Please continue to keep MaryAnn in your prayers for her ongoing health concerns.

Mable Binau. Whetstone Manor. 3700 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43214.


Marisse Bumgardner. Sunrise Assisted Living. 6525 N. High St. Worthington, Ohio 43085. 846-6500.


Joseph Horvath. Friendship Villiage Of Dublin, 6000 Riverside Dr. Room 15B, Dublin Ohio43017.


Ken Crawford . At The Laurels of Norworth room 218.


Mike Pioth. Now residing at Abbington Assisted Living. 3971 Bradford Ct., Powell Ohio 43065.


Myrna Duncan. At home beginning chemo treatment for colon cancer. 372 Highland Way.Worthington, Ohio 43085. 614- 846-3529.


Our Institutions
Worthington Seventh-day Adventist Church                                           614-885-7812

Worthington Seventh-day Adventist Spanish Church                              614-885-7812

Worthington Adventist Academy                                                            614-885-9525

Stepping Stones Learning Center                                                           614-885-6656