Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 10, 2008

In-Touch Newsletter of the Worthington
Seventh-day Adventist Church

July 10, 2008

       My Grace is Sufficient. II Cor. 12:9
Church Links: This will link you to Pastor Bob's website. This will link you to the church's website and the newslog. This will link you to the school's website. This will link you to the daycare's website.
Upcoming Events and Items of Interest:
Coming this week:
Welcome MVA Class of 1973! This group will be worshipping with us this Sabbath while celebrating 35 years as alums from MVA! Please join us in giving them a warm welcome.
Coming in the weeks ahead: 
Vespers service, July 19 at 7:00p.m. Join us for a concert featuring the Mt. Vernonaires, a men's quartet to perform at the Worthington SDA Church. This is a free concert but a love offering will be collected.
Singles Activities for July
July 17th, Thursday. Movie Night
July 19th, Saturday. Vespers & Putt Putt (Eastwood SDA 7:30pm)
July 24th, Thursday. InnisWoods Park (Meet @ Park 6:30pm)
July 27th, Sunday. Pool Party Holli's House (Time: Noon)
Heritage Sabbath is just a few weeks away. Join us on July 26th as we honor our heritage through special speakers, music and fellowship. We will be hosting a finger food buffet following the second service and invite you all to join us. Please bring your choice of the following to share: hors d' oeuvres, small sandwiches, fruits, vegys, crackers & cheese or cookies.
Talents and Tiaras: The Ohio Women's Retreat, featuring guest speaker Kay Rizzo is planned for September 19-21. Pick up a brochure in the literature rack in the narthex or check out the details on line at
The Spotlight's on You!
Congrats to Shirleen Brown, our new SSLC Director!  We are so excited that Shirleen has stepped into this role and know that she will continue the good work of those in this position before her. Please be sure to congratulate Shirleen when you see her!
Project Sunshine Do you have a few extra minutes in your day? Here is a listing of some of our church members who need a little attention via calls, cards or visits. Remember, your name may be on this list one day!
MaryAnn Buckles. Please continue to keep MaryAnn in your prayers for her ongoing health concerns.
Mable Binau. Whetstone Manor. 3700 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43214.
Marisse Bumgardner. Sunrise Assisted Living. 6525 N. High St. Worthington, Ohio 43085. 846-6500.
Joseph Horvath. Friendship Villiage Of Dublin, 6000 Riverside Dr. Room 15B, Dublin Ohio 43017.
Ken Crawford . At The Laurels of Norworth room 218.
Mike Pioth. Now residing at Abbington Assisted Living. 3971 Bradford Ct., Powell Ohio 43065.
Myrna Duncan. At home beginning chemo treatment for colon cancer. 372 Highland Way. Worthington, Ohio 43085. 614- 846-3529.
Walter McPherson. At home recovering from back surgery. 17946 Timber Trails Rd. Marysville, Ohio 43040. 937-644-9459.
Our Institutions
Worthington Seventh-day Adventist Church                                           614-885-7812
Worthington Seventh-day Adventist Spanish Church     614-885-7812

Worthington Adventist Academy           614-885-9525

Stepping Stones Learning Center          614-885-6656