Thursday, December 18, 2008

Upcoming Events and Items of Interest:

Coming this week:
Christmas Caroling! Join Pastor Bob, Shirleen Brown and others as they spend one hour this Sabbath serenading the residents of Sunrise Assistant Living. Meet them at 4:00pm, 6525 N. High St. in Worthington (across the street from the fire department) to spread some Christmas cheer. If you need a ride, call Pastor Bob at 439-0818.

Collecting for the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. Please bring your extra canned/boxed/jarred goods to Church this Sabbath and member Jennifer Thorward will deliver them to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. You will find a collection table in the Narthex. Thanks Jennifer, this makes giving that much easier!!!

Check out our many links at the bottom of this newsletter. It will help you navigate to the church’s website, the Ohio Conference website, Pastor Bob’s website, the school, daycare and other useful sites.

Coming in the weeks ahead:
A special request for Sabbath, December 27. Pastor Bob will be preaching and he asks that you prepare at home a paper listing what it is that you would like most for Christmas. Then bring your paper along with you on the 27th.

REQUEST: We are looking for the movie of the Worthington Pathfinder Drill Team of 1978 when our esteemed Pathfinder Club took first place in Ohio. We know it exists, but we need some detective work to find it. If you know who has it, or can provide any hints, please call Kevin Sciulli at 841-9085. Thank you!

5th Annual McGhee Family Christmas Eve Special. Pastor Bob & Family really enjoy this fun event and invite you and your friends to join his family for some Christmas cheer! They will gather on December 24, 6:00pm in the fellowship hall. Refreshments will be served.

WAA is looking for a filing cabinet that locks and is fireproof. If you might have an extra, would you be willing to donate? Call the school at 614-885-9525 to talk business.

Are you are buried under a mountain of gift catalogues, Holiday sales advertisements and newspaper slicks? Put it to good use by bringing them to the recycle bin at the school to be recycled! Junk mail, newspaper, computer paper, copy paper and envelopes are welcome. Please remember, paper items only – no cardboard, wax paper, phone books, metal, plastics or glass. Thanks!

WAA Ski Club invites you to join in their winter fun! They get great group rates to ski all winter long and you can take advantage of these great rates through weekly or anytime passes. If you’re interested, please call Jackie at the school 614-885-9525.