Thursday, April 1, 2010

In-Touch Newsletter of the Worthington

Seventh-day Adventist Church
       My Grace is Sufficient. II Cor. 12:9

April 1, 2010


This week:

Sabbath, April 3, 2010. Pastor Loren Seibold - The Central Truth. Communion Sabbath.


Happy Birthday to everyone born in the month of April!! May God bless you and those you love in the year ahead.


McGhee Family Easter Egg Hunt is this Sunday morning, April 4. Everyone is invited to join them at 10:00a.m. at their home for an Easter Egg Hunt Extravaganza!  All ages are invited.


Hey Kids! This Sabbath, following the children's story at 2nd service, you are invited to the fellowship hall for an Easter story, an Easter craft and a special Easter surprise. Hope to see you there!


A poem written by one of our members, Marilyn Thomas, to remind us of Jesus' gift to us at Easter and always:


He Paid the Price

For some being saved seems a mystery

An apparent profound perplexity.

When by the Bible we've been taught

That it's a gift that can't be bought.

And yet we struggle deep within,

Thinking His love we need to win

When He's been waiting all along

For us to ask Him to belong.

But oh! How easy it would be

To choose to live eternally!

A change of heart we will receive

And all we need is to believe

That there upon the cross He died

Paid the price and purified

Us so we could go to heaven

And for our sins His life was given.

Then oh! How easy it would be

To choose to live eternally!

No special deeds for us to do

But our lives will start anew

As into our lives He will enter.

Around His love our lives will center.

Then our strife will disappear.

From love we'll labor and not from fear.

Then He will burst with joy and pride

To have us walking by His side.

And oh! How easy it would be

To choose to live eternally.


Coming in the weeks ahead: 

Our April fellowship luncheon has been cancelled due to the JCi2 event being held next Sabbath. We encourage you to attend the JCi2 event and enjoy a free lunch at the park!


Just Claim It 2! The Sabbath services for this event are for all ages and will feature many outstanding Adventist leaders. The days schedule is as follows:

8:45am – 12:30pm       Youth & Adult Program.

                                    Speakers are Jonathan Cobb and Rashard Burton.

9:30am – 12:30pm       Children's Program

12:30pm – 1:30pm       Free boxed lunch. Call your church secretary to reserve your lunch.

3:00pm                         Ohio Elementary Music Festival Concert on the main stage of the

                                    Convention Center.

 Check out this website for more details,


Singles Spring "Easter" Party. You are invited to a singles event on Saturday, April 10th from 6:30p.m. -10:00p.m. Activities include: games, Easter egg hung, egg decorating and singles mingling. The food theme is Italian. Please rsvp to this event by e-mailing or calling Sheila at 614/431-7268 or


Do you know of someone that goes above and beyond for the Church? Someone that you would like to nominate for our new Outstanding Volunteer Award? If so, please submit their name to the church office.


Household items for sale: Steve Duncan is moving to Dayton this spring to be closer to his daughter and her family. Here is a new list of items available; oval dining room table with two leaves and the protector for $50, kitchen table for $50, three dark cherry wood armed chairs for $25. The piano is still for sale - new price $300. The hutch/pie cooler - new price $125 and two gold rockers - new price $20 for the pair. Please call Steve's daughter Jane directly at 937-609-2306 or e-mail her at if something interests you.


The Personal Ministries committee is looking for a few folks who would be willing to lead out in adult or children's Sabbath school classes once monthly. We currently have many dedicated teachers but need a few more. If you've never tried leading a SS class, why not give it a try, if not you, then who? Call Doris at 614- 439-0426.


WANTED AND NEEDED – In the coming weeks and months, WAC is planning several health related activities. Some of the forums that we have in mind include:

  • Smoking cessation program
  • Various support groups
  • Health screenings
  • CPR training
  • Advanced medical directives
  • Cooking school
  • Walking program

We are looking for individuals/families that would be able to lend your talents to these programs. In addition to trained leaders/ professionals, we are also looking for support staff or those behind the scenes faithful who help out with advertising, registration, set-up, etc. If you are interested in helping or have other health related forums you would like to see us host, please contact the church office, 885-7812 or Marge Hay, our WAC Health Coordinator. 885-293 or


Mount Vernon Academy's annual Academy Days will be held April 11-12, 2010. We would like to invite any students currently in grades 7 through 11 to join us on campus for this event. Registration will begin at 10:00 a.m. This is a free event. MVA will provide shuttling for students from the Akron/Cleveland and Columbus areas. If you have questions or are interested in attending, please call 740-397-5411, email, or visit our website at


Central SDA Church is looking for undiscovered talent to participate in their 2010 Talent Showcase on May 15. If you would be interested in participating, please contact Nicole Nelson at


For Sale: White Ford Inline van. $1500 or best offer. Call Stephanie Henriquez at (614) 595-8458.


FOUND! Two diamond rings have been turned into the church office. If you or anyone you know has lost a diamond ring, call Laura at 885-7812 to describe your ring.


Columbia Union Adventist Disaster Response training – The 1st of its kind training course is being offered to those interested in responding to those affected by natural and man-made disasters in a highly organized and documented program of the North American Division. This training will be held April 23-25, 2010 at the New Jersey Conference's Tranquil Valley Retreat in New Jersey. Full program details and registration are available at or 800-732-7587.