Thursday, June 4, 2009

Coming this week:

Sabbath, June 6 speaker: Pastor Loren Seibold. Sermon Title: Peace Be Still


Happy Birthday to everyone born in the month of June! May God continue to bless you in the coming year.


Congratulations to Nadine and Jonathan Zygowiec who welcomed baby Ian Michael into their family last week! Mom, baby and Dad are all doing well.


Coming in the weeks ahead: 

Breakfast with the Band – Come early (8:00a.m.) next Sabbath and enjoy breakfast with our Praise Band members. Pastor Bob is the head chef, should be delicious!


You may have noticed the many new faces in the church recently. You might feeling as if you just don't know as many folks as you used to. If so, be sure to join us next Sabbath, June 13, for our NEW MEMBER SABBATH when we'll try to introduce the new members that have joined over the last few years. This will be your chance to put a name with a face and make new friends. Then, stay by following 2nd service for an All-Church Fellowship Luncheon. Everyone is encouraged to join in fellowship with their church family. Please provide an entrée and a dessert or salad to share.


Street Beat Ministry is collecting towels and toiletries for the residents of the "Friends of the Homeless" shelter. Items needed are towels, washcloths, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Items can be dropped off here at the church in the box labeled Street Beat.


Congratulations Graduates!

Worthington Adventist Academy Graduates:

Quentin Sciulli               Luke Howard                Bradley Cooper

Jay Park                       Grecia Reyes                JaQuan Thompson


Julien VanPutten Graduating from Perry Middle School.

Chelsea R. Dennis Graduating from Buckeye Valley High School with honors.

Samantha Ray Graduating from Thomas Worthington High School.

Jackie Gates Graduating with her masters.

David Beard Graduating from the Wellington School. Attending OSU in the fall.

Joelle Gary Graduating from University of NC and Greensboro with a BSN.

Janelle Gary Graduating from OSU with a degree in Journalism.

Juliane Wagner Graduating from Loma Linda with her BS.

Savannah Juarros Graduating from Pacific Union College with a BA in Psychology.

Susan Nwankpa Graduating from UCLA with a MS in Architecture.

Livinus Nwankpa, Jr. Graduating from DeVry Univ. in Atlanta with his MBA

Jason Callahan Graduating from University of AR with an Environmental degree.

Chioma Anaba Graduating from OSU with a BSN.

Sarah McDermott Graduating from Andrews University.

Tallin Ouzounian Graduating from Andrews University with a degree in Public Relations.


Health Food Cupboard June dates: (times remain 2:00-4:00).
Friday, June 5 & Sunday June 7
Friday, June 19 & Sunday June 21.


Fellow female church member, 55 plus, in search of one bedroom apt. with a/c by July 1. Please call 614-238-2122 in the evenings and ask for Susan.


Heritage Sabbath, coming July 18. We have invited two Pastors who previously served here at the Worthington church to speak at our celebration; Pastor Fred Kinsey and Pastor Leslie Bumgardner. Heritage Sabbath gives us the opportunity to reunite with old friends and reflect on this churches rich and diverse history. We hope you'll plan to attend the Sabbath morning worship services and then stay by for the fellowship luncheon to follow.


Local Budget Giving

YTD Local budget income thru April                        $118,555.18

YTD Local budget expenses thru April                     $152,596.59

YTD Deficit                                                             $-34,041.41