Thursday, October 8, 2009

Coming this week:

Sabbath worship for October 10, 2009

1st service: Pastor Bob & Grace Notes.

2nd service: Pastor Kristopher Zygowiec from Ontario Conference - Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven.


Happy Birthday to everyone born in the month of October! May God richly bless you in the year to come.


Have you hugged a pastor today? October is national clergy appreciation month! Spread the love and let your pastor's know that you care!


REMINDER: This is the 2nd Sabbath of the month which means we are hosting an all church fellowship luncheon. Our luncheons are especially good because of the many wonderful cooks we have in our congregation! Please bring and entrée and dessert or salad to share.


A note from the Thorwards: "Frances and I arrived safe and sound and are happily house hunting to find really comfortable guest quarters for you. Thank you all for the kind words and cheerful blessings as we left for Texas and Alaska.  You will always be family.  Watch our kids and keep them 'growing' under your spiritual fellowship and guidance."

"Come visit us soon.  We hope to visit again in Worthington before too long."


S R & Frances Thorward
Haa Toowoo Naakw Hit
222Tongass Drive
Sitka, Alaska 99835
907 966 8611


Coming in the weeks ahead: 

Upcoming Sabbath Events:

October 17 Melashanko Family Singers at both services

                    Melashanko Family Singers vespers concert, 6:30pm

October 24 ARC Blood Drive

November 7 Jaime Jorge in concert during the worship hour

                        WAA Fall Festival


Please pray for Jennifer (Abbott) & Steve Roush and their newborn daughter Kaitlyn Diane, born September 29, 2009. Kaitlyn remains in the hospital with spinal meningitis. Your encouraging words can be sent to 3402 Drummond Road, Toledo, OH 43606.


Teen Girls Conference – October 16-18, 2009. A weekend event planned especially for girls 13-18 years old, giving them an opportunity for deeper and more meaningful connections with God, themselves and others. Sponsor a teen that you know! For more information go to or call Rose Hofacker at 614-738-8152.


Would you be willing to make some "goodies" for our upcoming October 24th blood drive? If you are anything like me (terrified of needles!) and want to help but are unsure how, donate your homemade "goodies" instead of blood!  If you are able to donate, please call the church office and talk to Laura!


Get ready for Operation Christmas Child! Church and School will soon be collecting shoe boxes full of children's items to be shipped all over the world by Samaritan's Purse ministry. Please watch your bulletin for info and deadlines.


CALENDAR SALE:  Worthington Adventist Academy will be selling 2010 Appointment Calendars. This has been an annual tradition and many customers look forward to purchasing these beautiful, high-quality calendars each year.  These calendars feature stunning photography and scripture from the New International Version of the Bible with ample space to write appointments or special events. These calendars sell for $10.00 each.  If you would like to support the school by purchasing a calendar, please turn in your money in a tithe envelope or call the school office at 614-885-9525.    Thank you for your support.


GOT BOX TOPS?  Do you collect Box Tops?  Worthington Adventist Academy does!  This is an easy way to earn money for our school.  Just clip those Box Tops and drop them by the church or school office at your convenience.  Thanks! 


WAA Fall Fest: Worthington Adventist Academy would like to invite their Church Family to attend the school's annual Fall Festival. Mark your calendars now for the Fall Fest to be held on November 7 at 6:45pm in the activities center. There will be plenty of games, activities, food, prizes and fun for the whole family!


The Worthington Seventh-Day Adventist Church will be hosting Life Line Screening on 12/9/2009.  These health screenings will be offered for people 40-years-old and older. The vascular screenings are performed using Doppler color flow ultrasound systems and include the following:

1) A Carotid Artery Screening –visualizes the build up of plaque in the carotid arteries, which leads to stroke. (Most strokes are linked to carotid artery blockage)

2) An Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) test – looks for an enlargement in the abdominal aorta that could lead to a ruptured aortic artery. The vast majority of people who have an aneurysm have no symptoms.

3) An Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) – screens for peripheral arterial disease in the lower extremities, which is closely linked to coronary artery disease.

4) Bone density screening, which tests for the early signs of osteoporosis.

5) Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) – A test to measure irregular heart beat. Atrial Fibrillation increases the risk of stroke 5 times.

6) Complete Lipid panel, Glucose and C-Reactive Protein blood tests are also available for $99.00. ($70 when combined with tests 1-5 above) These blood tests require an eight hour fast.

You must pre-register by calling 1-888-653-6441. These screenings are completely painless, non-invasive, and affordable. The cost for all four vascular screenings is $139.00.  10 minutes could save your life!