Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sabbath, January 30, 2010Elder Hubert Cisneros.  As you may have heard, Hubert & Lucy are moving their ministry west to Lincoln Nebraska. They have served in Ohio for the last 12 years in many capacities and will leave a large void when they go. We have been especially blessed to have had them worship with us on a somewhat regular basis (you can't work for the conference and maintain any kind of regular schedule!) so to us, they are family. Lucy has gone on ahead to establish their new home, while Hubert will be in Ohio for a few more weeks, ministering, preaching and doing what he does best, loving the people.


Please join Adventurers Club members and their families as they celebrate the completion of a full year of learning, fun and getting closing to Jesus. For the past year, they have worked very hard in order to achieve their goals. Show your support by joining them this Saturday at their Investiture Service, 5:30pm in the church sanctuary.


Citrus truck arrives this Saturday evening at 6:00pm. If you are available to help unload, please meet the Ouzounians at the activity center by 6:00!  Thank you!


Coming in the weeks ahead: 

For those who may not have seen this Fox news report, I'm including the link below. Thank you to Lucy Cisneros for sharing with us. 


If you would like to donate to Haitian relief efforts, go to or call (800) 424-ADRA. All donations designated for "Haiti Emergency Response" will go 100% to that purpose.


Health Food Cupboard – Open this Sunday, January 31, from 2:00-4:00.


Love is in the Air! And you are invited to a Valentines Day celebration hosted by none other than our own "Luv Guru", Pastor Bob!  Join him on Saturday, January 13, at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. You'll enjoy sweet treats, hugs & kisses, and a special performance by our own MARTY MILLER.  See you there!


Attention Elders – You are invited to and lunch/meeting following the 2nd worship service with new head elder Carolyn Sowards on Saturday, February 20th in the fellowship hall. Families welcome.


FOR RENT. One bedroom, 2nd floor apartment at 848 Griswold Street. There are four rooms and a bath. Eating space in the kitchen. New amenities including: appliances, floor coverings, paint, window treatment, and lighting. Approximately 636 square feet. Rent amount $620.00 per month includes the utilities (lighting, heat, cooling, and water-sewer). Contact B. L. Knecht, or 614-581-3141. Or call the church office, 614-885-7812.


Who's Coming to Dinner? Save the date of February 27 to participate in this delightful event. Host someone in your home for a Sabbath afternoon meal or be a guest in someone's home…here's the catch: you don't know who you'll be hosting until the knock on the door and you won't know who's house you'll be visiting until you arrive! Sound like fun? Then be sure to sign-up using the forms on the table in the narthex.


ARC BLOOD DRIVEFebruary 13 in the fellowship hall. Please call 1-800-give life (4483-5433) to register.


Now available, the 2010 "Faces of Hope" Calendar.  Our 2009 Sabbath school offerings are directed to the LIGHTHOUSE ACADEMY in Kenya. This Christian school is owned and operated by the family of Kennedy Dulo and their non-profit organization, Rafiki Africa Foundation.  The school is currently raising funds through calendar sales to add on a kitchen and dining room for the students who currently take their meals outside on the ground.  These calendars feature pictures of the children who attend LIGHTHOUSE ACADEMY and villagers from the local community.  You will find these calendars in the narthex of the church and are available to you for free. If you would like to make a donation, we would be happy to receive them and pass that along to Kennedy Dulo.