Thursday, October 16, 2008

Upcoming Events and Items of Interest:

Coming this week:
We are very excited to welcome Dr. Ivan Blake to the pulpit this Sabbath. Dr. Blake is the pastor of the Minnetonka SDA church in MN. Pastor Blake loves people, especially when he can point them to Jesus as their hope and joy. He graduated from Andrews University with B.Th, M.A. (religion) and D.Min. (emphasis in "Worship") degrees. For fun Ivan keeps fit, reads, gardens and "pots" around in the kitchen.

Cradle Roll and Kindergarten Families are invited to join the McGhee family for a Fall Harvest Celebration and costume party! Saturday, October 18th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the McGhee Home, 2475 Slateshire Dr. Dublin, 43016. Please call Robin to let her know you are coming, 614-439-0818, 614-330-9615 or

Coming in the weeks ahead:
On Sabbath, October 25, the King’s Heralds will be bringing you both worship services. Then on Sabbath, November 1, Chaplain Thom Juarros and the Shenandoah Valley Bell choir will be here.

Available again this year are the colorful, inspirational God’s Creation Calendars. Our WAA students will be selling them beginning October 12. They remain the same low price as in the past, just $8. Buy one for your home, office and for that hard-to-buy-for uncle for Christmas!

Did You Know? We have a lending library full of books, bibles, commentaries, videos, studies and much more. There is no check-out system. Just browse the shelves, take what interests you, and return it when you are through. You will find these materials in the extra office of the admin wing. It is a little disorganized right now but you are still welcome to come and make your selections.

Worthington Adventist Academy is hosting their annual Fall Festival! Join us in the Activity Center on Saturday, November 1at 6:45p.m. Some of the featured activities are: •Wheel Barrow races •Cowboy Golf •Crisco Kid •Hippity Horse & More! This event is FREE!!

October - Singles Activities
Oct. 18 - Lynn Farms-Apple Orchard. Meet at Sheila's 2:00pm.
Oct. 19 - Renaissance Festival. Meet at Sheila's 9:00am.
Oct. 24 - Inniswoods Park. 6:30pm
Oct. 26 - Bike Ride. Meet at Sheila's 4:00pm.

Spotlight’s On You!
Congratulations to Archie & Eva Gates who celebrated their wedding anniversary this week.

Church Links: This will link you to Pastor Bob’s website. This will link you to the church’s website. This will link you to the newslog. This will link you to the school’s website. This will link you to the daycare’s we